Your work matters.
If you want to discover a multitude of ways your faith + work connect, start here.
You are what you do every day.
If you want to explore why your habits + rhythms aren’t sticking, start here.
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If you have the bandwidth to say YES to one more email in your inbox, I promise to make it short, sweet, helpful, and sometimes even fun!
I’m writing a book!
More and more, I’m finding people aspire to careers in professional ministry because they believe that is what good, mature Christians ought to do. While I definitely believe in the need for professional ministry work (hello, Pastor), I believe even more in the need for Jesus-followers in the workplace. If you want to follow me while I navigate the world of publishing, start here!
Spiritual Practices.
I originally started blogging because I wanted to invite others to learn ways to recognize the still small voice of God in a noisy world. I still write about these things, but if you’re curious about spiritual disciplines I practice regularly (or ones I go back to repeatedly), I think you’ll find some helpful tools here. Don’t worry, these are all free resources.
Most searched for blog posts.
A little about Kristen.
Thanks for being here. I’m a redeemed snarkaholic constantly seeking the still small voice of an ever-present God in this noisy world. If you wanna know a little more, I’ll tell you a little more!